The ForeEach activity in Azure Data Factory has some important limitations. One of them is when working with the batch mode, it would be nice to embed only pipeline activities inside.
Standard method to run asyncio task is as simple as But in Databricks, it is not that simple. With the same command, you will get the following error:
The most secure way to use secrets in a Dockerfile is to use the --secret flag in the docker build command. This way, the secret is not stored in the image, and it is not visible in the Dockerfile.
A common use case in Python world is to install packages from a private PyPI repository in a Dockerfile. Suppose during the CICD pipeline, there's an environment variable called PIP_INDEX_URL where holds this private PyPI credentials.
MS Graph API's endpoint for retrieving users, GET /users can return all users of the tenant. The default limit is 100 users per page, and the maximum limit is 999 users per page. If there are more than 999 users, the response will contain a @odata.nextLink field, which is a URL to the next page of users. For a big company having a large number of users (50,000, 100,000, or even more), and it can be time-consuming to retrieve all users.
While MS Graph API provides generous throttling limits, we should find a way to parallelize the queries. This post explores sharding as a strategy to retrieve all users in a matter of seconds. The idea is to get all users by dividing users based on the first character of the userPrincipalName field.For instance, shard 1 would encompass users whose userPrincipalName starts with a, shard 2 would handle users starting with b, and so forth.