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Convert markdown or rst to Atlassian Confluance documentation format#

A recent working experience needed me to write doc on Atlassian Confluance documentation product. I will show you how to convert your markdown doc to Confluance version.

Convert markdown or rst to Confluance#

Confluance's web doc editor is very powerfull, but I a markdown guy, I write everything in markdown in pure text mode and versioning it. I need sth. to convert markdown to Confluance.

Checked on the official doc, it says that Confluence supports markdown import, but after a test, not really, at least not for table.


Convert the markdown or rst files to a HTML file.

There're many plugins on the net, I use VSCode editor, I choose the extension Markdown All in One, it has a method called "Markdown: Print current document to HTML".

Once I get the HTML version, than just past the HTML content into Confluence directly. Done.

Here's the tutorial on how to insert the HTML marco.

Convert mediawiki to Confluance#

Checked on the official doc, it says that Confluence supports wiki import, but I haven't tested yet.
