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Using Gitlab integrated CICD for Python project on Windows#

Gitlab ships with its own free CICD which works pretty well. This post will give you an example of the CICD file .gitlab-ci.yml for a Python project running on Gitlab Windows runner.

Some docs on the Internet#

  1. Official GitLab Continuous Integration (GitLab CI/CD)
  2. Official Configuration of your jobs with .gitlab-ci.yml
  3. Official Gitlab Pipelines settings
  4. Official Publish code coverage report with GitLab Pages
  5. introduction-gitlab-ci
  6. Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester

Code Coverage#

The official doc on how to use coverage is not very clear.

My coverage tool's output (from pytest --cov=) is something like :

----------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.7.0-final-0 -----------
Name                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover
python_project\                    6      0   100%
python_project\                15      0   100%
python_project\extras\             0      0   100%
python_project\extras\              18     18     0%
python_project\                     6      2    67%
python_project\                     26      0   100%
python_project\                 42      1    98%
TOTAL                                       113     21    81%

In my example .gitlab-ci.yml, the coverage is configured as:

coverage: '/^TOTAL.*\s+(\d+\%)$/'

This regex will find the coverage which is at 81%.

Be aware that:

  1. The coverage only use regular expression to find the coverage percentage from coverage tool's output.
  2. The regular expression must be surrounded by single quote ', double quote is not allowed.
  3. Inside the single quotes, must be surrounded by /.
  4. You can use to test your regex.
  5. The overage regex returns the last catch group value from the output. Even if it is not in the last line, or if the regex catches more than one values among all the lines.

.gitlab-ci.yml example for Python project on a Windows runner#

.gitlab-ci.yml file content#

I cloned the project flask_log_request_id and try to run CICD over it.


I'm still working on this CICD .gitlab-ci.yml file, the example given here will be updated as long as I add new things inside.

    - venv
    - test
    - build
    - deploy

  - $gitApiUrl = 'https://gitlab.copdips.local/api/v4'
  # will save git api token more securely later.
  - $gitApiToken = $env:GitApiToken
  - $gitApiHeader = @{"PRIVATE-TOKEN" = $gitApiToken}
  - $cicdReportsFolderPath = Join-Path (Get-Location) "cicd_reports"
  - $venvPath = "$env:temp/venv/$($env:CI_PROJECT_NAME)"
  - >
    function Set-SecurityProtocolType {
        # [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        # $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
        $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls12'
        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols
  - >
    function Write-PythonPath {
        $pythonPath = $(Get-Command python | % source)
        Write-Output "The python path is at: '$pythonPath'"
  - >
    function Get-UpstreamProject {
        $apiParam = @{
          Headers = $gitApiHeader
          Uri = "$gitApiUrl/projects?search=$($env:CI_PROJECT_NAME)"
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
          $apiParam.SkipCertificateCheck = $true
        $projectList = Invoke-RestMethod @apiParam
        $upstreamProject = $projectList | ? forked_from_project -eq $null
        return $upstreamProject
  - >
    function Get-UpstreamProjectId {
        $upstreamProject = Get-UpstreamProject
        return $

  - >
    function Test-CreateVenv {
        param($VenvPath, $GitCommitSHA)
        $gitShowCommand = "git show $GitCommitSHA --name-only"
        $gitShowResult = Invoke-Expression $gitShowCommand
        Write-Host "$gitShowCommand`n"
        $gitShowResult | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_}
        $changedFiles = Invoke-Expression "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $GitCommitSHA"
        $requirementsFiles = @()
        $requirementsFiles += "requirements.txt"
        foreach ($requirements in $requirementsFiles) {
            if ($requirements -in $changedFiles) {
                Write-Host "`nFound $requirements in the changed files, need to create venv."
                return $True
        if (-not (Test-Path $VenvPath)) {
            Write-Host "`nCannot found venv at $VenvPath, need to create venv."
            return $True

        Write-Host "`nNo need to create venv."
        return $False
  - >
    function Enable-Venv {

        Invoke-Expression (Join-Path $VenvPath "Scripts/activate.ps1")
        Write-Host "venv enabled at: $VenvPath"
  - >
    function Create-Venv {

        Write-Output "Creating venv at $venvPath ."
        python -m venv $VenvPath
        Write-Output "venv created at $venvPath ."
  - >
    function Install-PythonRequirements {

        Enable-Venv $VenvPath
        python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
        pip install -r requirements.txt
  - >
    function Remove-Venv {

        if (Test-Path $VenvPath) {
            Remove-Item $VenvPath -Recurse -Force
            Write-Host "venv removed from: $VenvPath"
        } else {
            Write-Host "venv not found at: $VenvPath"
  - Get-Location
  - git --version
  - python --version
  - Write-PythonPath
  - $PSVersionTable | ft -a
  - Get-ChildItem env:\ | Select-Object Name, Value | ft -a

  stage: venv
    - >
      if (Test-CreateVenv $venvPath $env:CI_COMMIT_SHA) {
          Remove-Venv $venvPath
          Create-Venv $venvPath
      Install-PythonRequirements $venvPath

  stage: test
    - $reportFolder = Join-Path $cicdReportsFolderPath "pytest"
    - New-Item -Path $reportFolder -Type Directory -Force
    - $upstreamProjectId = Get-UpstreamProjectId
    - Write-Output "upstreamProjectId = $upstreamProjectId"
    # TODO: add check master last commit coverage
    - Enable-Venv $venvPath
    - pytest --cov=flask_log_request_id --cov-report=html:$reportFolder
    - $coverageLine = (Get-Content (Join-Path $reportFolder index.html) | Select-String "pc_cov").line
    - $coverageString = ($coverageLine -replace "<[^>]*>", "").trim()
    - Write-Output "Total Coverage = $coverageString"
  coverage: '/^(?i)(TOTAL).*\s+(\d+\%)$/'

  stage: test
    - Enable-Venv $venvPath
    - nosetests.exe
  coverage: '/^TOTAL.*\s+(\d+\%)$/'

  stage: test
    - Enable-Venv $venvPath
    - flake8.exe .\flask_log_request_id

  stage: test
    - Enable-Venv $venvPath
    - $reportFolder = Join-Path $cicdReportsFolderPath "mypy"
    - New-Item -Path $reportFolder -Type Directory -Force
    - $mypyResult = mypy ./flask_log_request_id --ignore-missing-imports --html-report $reportFolder --xml-report $reportFolder
    - Write-Output "MyPy result = `""
    - $mypyResult | % { Write-Output $_}
    - Write-Output "`"`nEnd of MyPy result."
    - if ($mypyResult.count -gt 2) {
          return $False

.gitlab-ci.yml results from pipeline view#

.gitlab-ci.yml results from pipeline view

.gitlab-ci.yml results from job view#

.gitlab-ci.yml results from job view

.gitlab-ci.yml results from merge_request view#

.gitlab-ci.yml results from merge_request view
