Git Cheat Sheet#
This is not a complete Git cheat sheet for everyone, this is just a personal cheat sheet for some often forgotten git commands.
User level alias
Edit ~/.gitconfig
git config --global alias.amend commit --amend -C HEAD
git config --global status
git config --global alias.lga log --graph --decorate --oneline --all
git config --global checkout
git config --global alias.last log -1 HEAD
git config --global commit
git config --global alias.unstage reset HEAD
git config --global alias.ll "log --graph --all --pretty=format:'%C(auto)%h%Creset %an: git config --global %s - %Creset %C(auto)%d%Creset %C(bold black)(%cr)%Creset %C(bold git config --global black)(%ci)%Creset' --no-abbrev-commit"
git config --global show
git config --global alias.df diff
git config --global branch
git config --global checkout main
git config --global checkout dev
git config --global alias.rum pull --rebase upstream main
git config --global alias.rud pull --rebase upstream dev
git config --global alias.rom pull --rebase origin main
git config --global alias.rod pull --rebase origin dev
alias gitpush='git ci -am "$GIT_MESSAGE" ; git push origin $GIT_BRANCH'
alias gitamendpush='git add . ; git amend ; git push origin $GIT_BRANCH -f'
alias gitrebasemain='git cm ; git rom ; git fetch origin --prune ; if [[ $GIT_BRANCH != "main" ]]; then git br -d $GIT_BRANCH; fi'
alias gitrebasedev='git cd ; git rod ; git fetch origin --prune ; if [[ $GIT_BRANCH != "dev" ]] ; then git br -d $GIT_BRANCH ; fi'
Restore a file to an old version#
Restore a deleted branch#
flowchart LR
A(Working directory) -->|"git add"| B(Staging area)
B -->|"git commit"| C(Commit)
C -->|"git reset --soft HEAD~ <br/>(cannot reset single files)"| B
C -->|"git reset HEAD~"| A
B -->|"git restore --staged<br/>git reset<br/>git reset HEAD"| A
C -->|"git reset --hard"| D(/dev/null)
A -->|"git checkout"| D
D -->|"git reflog<br/>git cherry-pick [commit]"| C
Discard changes in working directory#
# discard changes to a file in working directory
git checkout <filename or wildcard>
# discard changes to all files in working directory
git checkout .
# or
git checkout *
Untracked files cannot be discarded by checkout.
Discard last commit (completely remove)#
We can recover the commit discarded by --hard
with the git cherry-pick [commit number]
if we displayed or saved it before. Whatever you can also use git reflog
to get the commit number too.
Unstage from staging area#
StackOverflow: How do I undo git add before commit?
# unstage a file from staging area
git reset <filename or wildcard>
# unstage all files from staging area
git reset
No more need to add HEAD
like git reset HEAD <file>
and git reset HEAD
since git v1.8.2.
Do not use git rm --cached <filename>
to unstage, it works only for newly created file to remove them from the staging area. But if you specify a existing file, it will delete it from cache, even if it is not staged.
Undo commit to working directory#
StackOverflow: How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?
You should readd the files if you want to commit them, as they're in the working directory now, they're unstaged too.
# Undo last commit to working directory
git reset HEAD~
# same as to
git reset HEAD~1
# Undo last 2 commits to working directory
git reset HEAD~2
# Undo till a special commit to working directory,
# the special commit and every commits before are still committed.
git reset <commit number>
<!-- more -->
git reset HEAD
will do nothing, as the HEAD is already at the last commit.
git reset HEAD~1 <file>
will create a delete file index in staging area. Normally we don't need this command.
Undo commit to staging area#
StackOverflow: How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?
Add --soft
to git reset
to undo commit to staging area.
Undo staging to working directory#
Change commit timestamp#
git rebase -i origin/main
# set 'e' to commits you want to change timestamp
# :x! to save and exit
# git will stop at the first commit marked with 'e'
git commit --amend --no-edit --date=now
# or to specify a date:
git commit --amend --no-edit --date="Wed Jun 19 14:00:00 2019 +0800"
# below will set the current timezone timestamps automatically
git commit --amend --no-edit --date="20240101 02:02:02"
# or to edit other fields:
git commit --amend
# :x! to save and exit
git rebase --continue
# git will stop at the next commit marked with 'e'
# continue with the same command above, till there's no more commit marked with 'e'
With bearer token#
git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $ServicePrincipalAadAccessToken" clone{yourOrgName}/{yourProjectName}/_git/{yourRepoName}
Force local branch to the same with remote branch#
git reset --hard upstream/master
git checkout -B master origin/master # sometimes this one might not work
get last commit of another local branch#
get all commits of another local other_branch#
Show diff#
show content in staging area#
show content in the last commit local repository#
show content in the second last commit in local repository#
Disable host key checking#
Sometimes during CICD, we need to use git to do something, if the remote repository is accessed by SSH, the first time when you use git (git clone for example), you need to accept the remote host key. This might be a problem for CICD as it cannot type Y
for you as you do in an interactive session. To let git to disable the host key checking or precisely accept automatically the remote host key, you need to add the following line in git config:
> git config --global core.sshcommand 'ssh -i [YouPrivateKeyPath] -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -F /dev/null'
You may need to use git config --system
to set the config at system level.
Usually, in an enterprise environment, we need to use a proxy to connect to the Internet resources. And from Powershell, we can ask Powershell to inherit the IE proxy settings.
With this proxy setting in Powershell, we should be able to use git clone
to connect to the external
But trust me, some enterprises' proxy settings (often for those who use a .pac file) are so complicated that Powershell cannot use the proxy the same way as IE.
In such case, fortunately, git has its own proxy setting. I think the official doc doesn't explain very well how to set the proxy. But this gist gives some good examples.
So, normally, you just need to set this config to ask git to use the $internet_proxy
only for the url, and all the other urls, git won't use the proxy.
GitForWindows ships with a GUI tool, very cool.
Pull Requests with Rebase#
Azure devops doc:
Moving Git repository content to another repository preserving history#
# this keeps all commits history and git tags
$ git clone --bare
$ cd old-repository.git
$ git push --mirror
$ cd -
$ rm -rf old-repository.git