Python Unittest Cheet Sheet#
Python unittest and Pytest is a big deal, this post just gives some small & quick examples on how to use Python unittest framwork, especially with Pytest framework. This post is not finished yet.
check if is in pytest mode#
from sys import modules
db_connection_str = settings.db_async_connection_str
if "pytest" in modules:
db_connection_str = settings.db_async_test_connection_str
config in pyproject.toml#
testpaths = ["tests/unit"]
asyncio_mode = "auto"
addopts = """
-v -s
--cov app
# env is enabled by pytest-env
env = ["TESTING=yes"]
asyncio support#
pytest in Makefile#
# Makefile
VENV_NAME := $(shell [ -d venv ] && echo venv || echo .venv)
PYTHON=$(shell if [ -d $(VENV_DIR) ]; then echo $(VENV_DIR)/bin/python; else echo python; fi)
@echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Running integration tests:${NORMAL}"
# ! --dist=loadfile to let Tests are grouped by their containing file.
# Groups are distributed to available workers as whole units.
# This guarantees that all tests in a file run in the same worker.
$(PYTHON) -m pytest tests/integration -n auto --dist=loadfile
test: test-integration
$(PYTHON) -m pytest tests/unit -n auto
pytest --pdb#
This will invoke the Python debugger on every failure (or KeyboardInterrupt).
pytest -x --pdb
: drop to PDB on first failure, then end test session
Python 3.7 introduces a builtin breakpoint() function. Pytest supports the use of breakpoint() with the following behaviors:
- When
is set to the default value, pytest will use the custom internal PDB trace UI instead of the system default Pdb.- When tests are complete, the system will default back to the system Pdb trace UI.
- With
passed to pytest, the custom internal Pdb trace UI is used with bothbreakpoint()
and failed tests/unhandled exceptions.--pdbcls
can be used to specify a custom debugger class.
pytest --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb#
Use ipdb instead of pdb.
also opens a ipython session, but without tab completion (readline).
Set in pytest.ini
Set in pyproject.toml
testpaths = ["tests/unit"]
addopts = """
-v -s
--cov <app_folder_name>
PS: an alternatif: pdbpp
(successor of pytest-ipdb
) at:
export PYTHONBREAKPOINT=ipdb.set_trace#
Another way to using ipdb in debugger is to set export PYTHONBREAKPOINT=ipdb.set_trace
, and set a break point with breakpoint()
(introduce in Python 3.7), then run test with pytest -s
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
won't drop in to ipdb session with this way.
jupyter notebook #%% Debug Cell (VSCode only)#
Aadd the #%%
marker on a line, you will see a Debug Cell
code lens. Should install the module jupyter at first.
Although we get the Debug Cell
, it seems that it doesn't work in test, should do more research later.
sys.last_value, sys.last_type and sys.last_traceback#
Note that on any failure the exception information is stored on sys.last_value, sys.last_type and sys.last_traceback. In interactive use, this allows one to drop into postmortem debugging with any debug tool. One can also manually access the exception information, for example:
# when pytest --pdb is stopping at a failure
>>> import sys
>>> sys.last_traceback.tb_lineno
>>> sys.last_traceback.tb_frame
<frame at 0x7fcca5f89a00, file '/home/xiang/git/myPython/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/', line 1641, code runtest>
>>> sys.last_value
AssertionError('assert result == "ok"',)
>>> sys.last_type
<class 'AssertionError'>
<!-- more -->
pytest --trace#
allows one to drop into the PDB prompt immediately at the start of each test via a command line option.
pytest --disable-socket#
This is using a third party plugin pytest-socket to disable all network calls flowing through Python's socket interface. Unit test should not have any network calls, even any local file operations.
To work with async: pytest --disable-socket --allow-unix-socket
To allow specific hosts: pytest --disable-socket --allow-hosts=,
Not easy with IPs other than, as you might need to open sockets to more IPs for intermediate connections. So normally just --allow-hosts= if you have a local service (database for e.g.) for the unit tests.
Pay extra attention to this caveat. If you create another fixture that creates a socket usage that has a "higher" instantiation order, such as at the module/class/session, then the higher order fixture will be resolved first, and won't be disabled during the tests.
We can use
decorator to add a marker (label) on any test, and use pytest -m foo
to run the tests only with mark name is foo
. This method is often used by the pytest extensions to for example enable or disable the extension on some specific tests. Like @pytest.mark.enable_socket for the pytest-socket extension
Some people also use markers to categorize the tests, like @pytest.mark.unit
for unit tests, and @pytest.mark.integration
for integration tests, etc. Personally, I don't like this because it forces to add the markers on every tests, it will be a very heavy work, and once you forget to add the markers, your tests wont be run, and you will never discover it. The common usage (maybe I'm wrong) that I saw on github is just to put different categories' tests in different folders.
We can also marking the whole class or modules.
pytest -k expr#
You can use the -k command line option to specify an expression which implements a substring match on the test names or class names or file names
instead of the exact match on markers that -m provides. This makes it easy to select tests based on their names.
You can use and
, or
, and not
@pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True, reason="")#
Having the xfail marker will still run the test but won’t report a traceback once it fails. Instead terminal reporting will list it in the “expected to fail” (XFAIL
) section. If the test doesn’t fail it will be reported as “unexpectedly passing” (XPASS
). set strict=True to ensure XPASS
(unexpectedly passing) causes the tests to be recorded as a failure.
I put @pytest.mark.parametrize
out of @pytest.mark
because they're really different. In fact, I discovered pytest from this functionality.
"a, b, expected",
(1, 2, 3),
(3, 3, 6),
def test_sum(a, b, expected):
total = a + b
assert total == expected
Apply indirect on particular arguments#
Very often parametrization uses more than one argument name. There is opportunity to apply indirect parameter on particular arguments. It can be done by passing list or tuple of arguments’ names to indirect. In the example below there is a function test_indirect which uses two fixtures: x and y. Here we give to indirect the list, which contains the name of the fixture x. The indirect parameter will be applied to this argument only, and the value a will be passed to respective fixture function.
if indirect=True
, both x
and y
fixtures will be used, if only indirect=["x"]
, then only the fixture x
will be used, and y
will be considered as a standard var name.
# content of
import pytest
def x(request):
return request.param * 3
def y(request):
return request.param * 2
@pytest.mark.parametrize("x, y", [("a", "b")], indirect=["x"])
def test_indirect(x, y):
assert x == "aaa"
assert y == "b"
side_effect functions and iterables#
We used to use side_effect to force a mock object to raise an exception. But we can also use side_effect to define different return values. This is useful when we have a same mock function used multiple times in a testing function, and this mock function should return different values.
>>> vals = {(1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 2}
>>> def side_effect(*args):
... return vals[args]
>>> mock = MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect)
>>> mock(1, 2)
>>> mock(2, 3)
mock any class with Mock#
from dataclasses import dataclass
from unittest.mock import Mock
class A:
name: str
class B:
name: str
class InventoryItem:
a: A
b: B
def test_class_inventory_item():
mock_inventory_item = InventoryItem(*[Mock() for _ in range(2)])
# or using inspect to get dynamically the class parameters count
from inspect import signature
mock_inventory_item = InventoryItem(*[Mock() for _ in range(len(signature(InventoryItem).parameters))])
monkeypatch is a pytest native fixture, all modifications will be undone after the requesting test function or fixture has finished.
Monkeypatching functions or the property of a class#
Very similar to Python standard lib unittest.mock.patch
decorator since Python 3, but monkeypatch
is a fixture. Some people find monkeypatch
is less effort to write than unittest.mock.patch
. Ref.
To use the native unittest.mock.patch
, use the wraps
# replace function bar of module x by another function fake_bar with unittest.mock.patch
# we can assert the mocked function with mock_bar
from unittest.mock import patch
def foo(arg1, arg2):
r = bar(arg1)
def test_foo():
with patch("", wraps=fake_bar) as mock_bar:
actual = foo(arg1, arg2)
assert actual == expected
# replace function bar of module x by another function fake_bar with monkeypatch
# we cannot assert the mocked function, but we don't need to give the x module in full string format.
def foo(arg1, arg2):
r = bar(arg1)
def test_foo(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(x, "bar", fake_bar)
# replace function bar of module x by another function fake_bar with pytest-mock
# we assert the mocked function
def foo(arg1, arg2):
r = bar(arg1)
def test_foo(monkeypatch):
mock_bar = mocker.patch("", wraps=fake_bar)
There's also a plugin pytest-mock
, which provides spy
and stub
The wraps
parameter in the native unittest.mock.patch
can also be used to spy function, if you don't want to use pytest-mock.spy
Monkeypatching environment variables#
Can be replaced by python native unittest.mock @patch.dict('os.environ', {'newkey': 'newvalue'})
# contents of our test file e.g.
import pytest
def mock_env_user(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("USER", "TestingUser")
def mock_env_missing(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv("USER", raising=False)
# notice the tests reference the fixtures for mocks
def test_upper_to_lower(mock_env_user):
assert get_os_user_lower() == "testinguser"
def test_raise_exception(mock_env_missing):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
_ = get_os_user_lower()
monkeypatch with parametrize#
As said above monkeypatch is a fixture, so we can use pytest-lazy-fixture to parametrize the fixtures. I cannot remember where is the link, in fact on one page from pytest official doc, it says that pytest cannot do it for the moment, that's why pytest-lazy-fixture
is introduced here.
It is worth saying that following monkeypatch on env won't work:
# file
TEST_USER = os.getenv("TEST_USER")
def get_test_user():
# file
import pytest
from a import get_test_user
def mock_env_user(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("TEST_USER", "TestingUser")
def test_get_test_user(mock_env_user):
assert get_test_user() == "testinguser"
The test will fail, because the line TEST_USER = os.getenv("TEST_USER")
in the file
is always imported before mock_env_user
, from a import get_test_user
is at the beginning of the test file. During the import, at this moment, the env var TEST_USER
doesn't exist yet in os, it will always have the value None
. To fix this problem, we need to put the os.getenv
into get_test_user
Monkeypatching dictionaries#
Can be replaced by python native unittest.mock @patch.dict()
# patch one key at each patch
monkeypatch.setitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "user", "test_user")
monkeypatch.setitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "database", "test_db")
monkeypatch.delitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "name", raising=False)
Modifying sys.path#
Changing the context of the current working directory during a test#
pytest-xdist to run tests in parallel#
Especially useful when your tests are unit tests for example, which don't have dependencies from one with each other, and don't share any changing data, which means your tests should be stateless.
# run on 4 CPUs
pytest -n 4
# run on a number of CPUs calculated automatically by the python built-in multiprocessing module
pytest -n auto
# run on a number of CPUs calculated automatically by the module psutil, you need such module if you have logical cpus as well as certain imposed limitations (like container runtimes with cpu limits)
# ref.
# ref.
pip install pytest-xdist[psutil]
pytest -n auto
There's another module pytest-parallel, the author says his module can run the tests in concurrency, and very efficient in integration tests, which tests might be stateful or sequential. I haven't tested yet, so cannot say anything here.
mock.patch returns a mock object, a mock object can have whatever attributes and methods.
mock.asssert_called_once_with(4, 5, 6)
doesn't fail as shown as follows:
>>> mock = Mock(name='Thing', return_value=None)
>>> mock(1, 2, 3)
>>> mock.asssert_called_once_with(4, 5, 6)
<Mock name='Thing.asssert_called_once_with()' id='140160334650144'>
simple speccing#
>>> from urllib import request
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> mock.asssert_called_with()
<Mock name='mock.asssert_called_with()' id='140160336271776'>
# using simple speccing, mock.asssert_called_with() is detected as an error
>>> mock = Mock(spec=request.Request)
>>> mock.asssert_called_with()
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'asssert_called_with'
# still using simple speccing, is detected as an mocked method, no errors.
# so simple speccing doesnt' work for nested objects
<Mock name='' id='140160336027120'>
Using patch(autospec=True)#
>>> from urllib import request
>>> patcher = patch('__main__.request', autospec=True)
>>> mock_request = patcher.start()
>>> request is mock_request
# mock_request.Request has the spec='Request' now
>>> mock_request.Request
<MagicMock name='request.Request' spec='Request' id='...'>
# the real request object doesn't have the static data attribute, so autospecced object doesn't have it neither.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/", line 637, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("Mock object has no attribute %r" % name)
AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'data'
Using create_autospec()#
>>> from urllib import request
>>> mock_request = create_autospec(request)
>>> mock_request.Request('foo', 'bar')
<NonCallableMagicMock name='mock.Request()' spec='Request' id='...'>
autospec works well on methods and static attributes, but a serious problem is that it is common for instance attributes to be created in the init() method and not to exist on the class at all. autospec can't know about any dynamically created attributes and restricts the api to visible attributes. This is why autospeccing is not the patch default behavior. Search the above phrase in the python official doc to get more details and solutions.