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Azure pipeline predefined variables#

The official doc gives an explanation of all the predefined variables, but it lacks of some concrete examples. Hereunder some examples for my preferred variables.

Access the predefined variables#

To access the variables value in YAML pipeline, we can use 2 methods:

  1. $(System.PullRequest.SourceBranch) : the standard way to access pipeline variables.
  2. $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH : most of the pipeline variables are mapped to the pipeline machine environment variables in upper snake case.

Variables upon Git events#

Suppose we create a new branch named new_branch, and create a pull request (with id 123) from the new branch new_branch to the main branch. During the pipeline, we can see following predefined variables in different GIT events.


Check here for variables upon git events in Github Actions.

variable name git action on push on pull request on merge on manual trigger
Build.SourceBranch refs/heads/new_branch refs/pull/123/merge refs/heads/main refs/heads/new_branch
Build.SourceBranchName new_branch merge main new_branch
Build.SourceVersionMessage {the last commit message} Merge pull request 123 from new_branch into main Merged PR 123: {pull request title}
- It's a way to determin this merge is from which PR
- We can also change the default message when merging the PR
{the last commit message}
Build.Reason IndividualCI PullRequest IndividualCI Manual
System.Pullrequest.SourceBranch VAR_NOT_EXISTS refs/heads/new_branch VAR_NOT_EXISTS VAR_NOT_EXISTS
System.Pullrequest.TargetBranch VAR_NOT_EXISTS refs/heads/main VAR_NOT_EXISTS VAR_NOT_EXISTS
System.PullRequest.SourceCommitId VAR_NOT_EXISTS the last commit number in pull request VAR_NOT_EXISTS VAR_NOT_EXISTS

Variables not varying upon triggering Git action#


System.AccessToken is a SecretVariable, which is in fact a PAT token with limited 1 hour of lifetime by default, and is about to be expired 5 minutes before the end of the lifetime.

  • User name The access token is bound to a build service account, which name should be in this format: {projectName} Build Service ({organizationName}). So it's required to set necessary permissions on this account. For example, to be able to publish a Python wheel package to Azure Artifacts, it needs the AddPackage permission, we can set the build service account as a contributor to the corresponding Artifacts feed's permission tab to get this permission.
  • Basic auth If we need to use this PAT to create the base64 string, the user name for this PAT should be kept empty, which is in the format of :$(System.AccessToken), to convert it to base64, use: printf "%s"":$(System.AccessToken)" | base64, or echo -n ":$(System.AccessToken)" | base64 with -n. When using with curl, it should be something like curl -u :$(System.AccessToken), the user name part is empty. or user an basic auth header like {"Authorization": "Basic {:$(System.AccessToken) in base64 format}"}.
  • OAtuh Besides the above basic auth (it's secure as the password is a PAT with limited lifetime, not a real clear password), we can also use OAuth, with header {"Authorization": "Bearer $(System.AccessToken)"}, it's not enabled by defaut, we should enable the OAuth by checking the box Allow scripts to access OAuth token from Realeses / Tasks / Agent job (Run on Agent) or from Pipelines / Tasks / Agent job (Run on Agent). And we need to create a task in advance in order to see the Tasks menu. If we don't enbale the option, and use Bearer header directly, we will get an API resposne code 203, with the reason Non-Authoritative Information.
  • See also job access token.


Agent.OS: Just to check which OS running the pipeline.

Variables to be set by user#


Add a new variable with the name System.Debug and value true for debugging.
