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Using ast and cst to change Python code#

Difference between AST and CST#

A brief comparison could be found in the libcst doc. Generally speaking, CST could keep the original source code format including the comments.

Using AST to change Python code#

Since Python 3.9, the helper ast.unparse has been introduced, so we have both ast.parse and ast.unparse in our hands, everything is ready, finally we have an official way to change Python code.

For example, I have a the file as belows:

""" file
from pkg_resources import parse_requirements
from setuptools import setup

with open("requirements.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    install_requires = [str(req) for req in parse_requirements(f)]


I want to change the line install_requires=install_requires, by install_requires=["a==1", "b==2"],.

Since Python3.9, I can achieve it like this:

import ast
import json

new_install_requires = ["a==1", "b==2"]

setup_file = open("").read()
setup = ast.parse(setup_file)

print("\n***Before change\n")

for body in setup.body:
        if hasattr(body, "value") and hasattr(body.value, "keywords"):
            for kw in body.value.keywords:
                if kw.arg == "install_requires":
                    kw.value = ast.parse(json.dumps(new_install_requires)).body[0]
    except Exception as err:

print("\n***After change\n")

Result from the console:

$ python3.9

***Before change

""" file
from pkg_resources import parse_requirements
from setuptools import setup
with open('requirements.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    install_requires = [str(req) for req in parse_requirements(f)]
setup(name='foo', install_requires=install_requires)

***After change

""" file
from pkg_resources import parse_requirements
from setuptools import setup
with open('requirements.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    install_requires = [str(req) for req in parse_requirements(f)]
setup(name='foo', install_requires=
['a==1', 'b==2'])


You will notice that, the ast.parse discards all the comments. And if need to format the code, black could be a good choice.

Using CST to change Python code#

An example can be found the repo hauntsaninja/no_implicit_optional that uses the libcst from Instagram
