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Github Actions: Variables#

Variables upon Git events#

Suppose we create a new branch named new_branch, and create a pull request (with id 123) from the new branch new_branch to the main branch. During the pipeline, we can see following predefined variables in different GIT events.


Check here for variables upon git events in Azure Pipelines.

variable name git action on push on pull request on merge (after merge, a push event will be triggered) on manual trigger
$GITHUB_REF refs/heads/new_branch refs/pull/123/merge refs/heads/main refs/heads/new_branch
$GITHUB_REF_NAME new_branch 132/merge main new_branch
$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME push pull_request pull_request_target workflow_dispatch
$GITHUB_REF_TYPE branch branch branch branch
$GITHUB_SHA last commit in branch workflow commit (not merge commit) merge commit last commit in branch
${{ github.event.head_commit.message }} last commit message VAR_NOT_EXISTS VAR_NOT_EXISTS VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS merge commit merge commit VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS last commit in PR (not merge commit) last commit in PR (not merge commit) VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS 123 123 VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.number }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS 123 123 VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.merged }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS false true VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.merged_by.login }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS null user login VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.merged_by.type }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS null User, etc VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.title }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS null or pr title null or pr title VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.pull_request.body}} VAR_NOT_EXISTS null or pr body null or pr bod VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.after }} last SHA in commit last commit in PR (not merge commit) VAR_NOT_EXISTS VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.event.action}} VAR_NOT_EXISTS opened, synchronize, edited, reopned, etc.. closed VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.head_ref }} VAR_NOT_EXISTS new_branch new_branch VAR_NOT_EXISTS
${{ github.base_ref }} null main main VAR_NOT_EXISTS

Setting environment variables by Python#

Same approach applies to other languages:

- name: Create new env vars by Python
  shell: python
  run: |
    import os
    with open(os.environ["GITHUB_ENV"], "a") as f:

JSON Variables#

JSON variables with GITHUB_OUTPUT#

When setting a JSON variable in string as $GITHUB_OUTPUT, and using it in a subsequent step, we should use the Github actions expressions syntax. However, the method of using this syntax can vary based on its context. Consider the following example on a Github Ubuntu runner with a bash shell:

- name: Write json outputs
  id: write-json-outputs
  run: |
    json_ascii="{\x22name\x22: \x22foo\x22}"

    echo "json_raw=$json_raw" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    echo "json_quotes_escaped=$json_quotes_escaped" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    echo "json_quotes_backslash_escaped=$json_quotes_backslash_escaped" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    echo -e "json_ascii=$json_ascii" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    echo "GITHUB_OUTPUT content:"

- name: Show json outputs
  run: |
    json_raw_wo_quotes=${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_raw }}
    json_raw="${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_raw }}"
    json_quotes_escaped="${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_escaped }}"
    json_quotes_backslash_escaped="${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_backslash_escaped }}"
    json_ascii="${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_ascii }}"

    # echo vars from templating inside bash
    echo "json_raw_wo_quotes: $json_raw_wo_quotes"
    echo "json_raw: $json_raw"
    echo "json_quotes_escaped: $json_quotes_escaped"
    echo "json_quotes_backslash_escaped: $json_quotes_backslash_escaped"
    echo "json_ascii: $json_ascii"

    # echo vars from env variables
    echo "JSON_RAW: $JSON_RAW"
    JSON_RAW: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_raw }}
    JSON_QUOTES_ESCAPED: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_escaped }}
    JSON_QUOTES_BACKSLASH_ESCAPED: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_backslash_escaped }}
    JSON_QUOTES_BACKSLASH_ESCAPED_TO_JSON: ${{ toJson(steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_backslash_escaped) }}
    JSON_QUOTES_BACKSLASH_ESCAPED_WITH_QUOTES: "${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_backslash_escaped }}"
    JSON_ASCII: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_ascii }}


When creating the json string, it would be better to not use blank spaces between keys and values, json_raw='{"name":"foo"}' instead of json_raw='{"name": "foo"}, in order to prevent from bash variable mangling issue.

We have the following output:

Write json outputs
  GITHUB_OUTPUT content:

Show json outputs
  json_raw_wo_quotes: {name:foo}
  json_raw: {name:foo}
  json_quotes_escaped: {name:foo}
  json_quotes_backslash_escaped: {"name":"foo"}
  json_ascii: {name:foo}
  JSON_RAW: {"name":"foo"}
  JSON_QUOTES_ESCAPED: {"name":"foo"}
  JSON_QUOTES_BACKSLASH_ESCAPED_TO_JSON: "{\\\"name\\\":\\\"foo\\\"}"
  JSON_ASCII: {"name":"foo"}

From the output we can see that there're two ways to have a valid json string in the show step:

- name: Show json outputs
  run: |
    json_quotes_backslash_escaped="${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_backslash_escaped }}"
    echo "json_quotes_backslash_escaped: $json_quotes_backslash_escaped"

    # echo vars from env
    echo "JSON_RAW: $JSON_RAW"
    JSON_RAW: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_raw }}
    JSON_QUOTES_ESCAPED: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_escaped }}
    JSON_ASCII: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_ascii }}

Creating a JSON string in GITHUB_OUTPUT without escaping backslashes, like json_quotes_escaped="{\"name\":\"foo\"}", is more concise than "{\\\"name\\\":\\\"foo\\\"}". However, when using ${{ <expression> }} in a bash shell within GitHub Actions, it's not a valid JSON string. This is because the expressions are processed before the bash shell runs the script, replacing the expression with its value and discarding double quotes. This results in an output like json_raw: {name:foo}. To address this, the toJson function can be used to convert the string into valid JSON.

- name: Show json outputs
  run: |
    # use toJson() to parse the string to a valid json string
    json_raw="${{ toJson(steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_raw) }}"
    json_quotes_escaped="${{ toJson(steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_escaped) }}"
    json_ascii="${{ toJson(steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_ascii) }}"

    # echo vars from templating inside bash
    echo "json_raw: $json_raw"
    echo "json_quotes_escaped: $json_quotes_escaped"
    echo "json_ascii: $json_ascii"

    # echo vars from env variables
    echo "JSON_RAW: $JSON_RAW"
    JSON_RAW: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_raw }}
    JSON_QUOTES_ESCAPED: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_quotes_escaped }}
    JSON_ASCII: ${{ steps.write-json-outputs.outputs.json_ascii }}


Check also the fromJson function to see how to parse json string to object.

Do not create JSON secrets#

When creating a secret, we should not create a JSON secret. For e.g. the Github action Azure/Login provides an example how to pass creds inputs with a JSON secret:

- uses: azure/login@v1
    creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}

This works but the drawback is that as the curly brackets are stored in the JSON secret, so whenever we want to show { or } in the Github action logs, they will be replaced by ***, as Github actions considers the curly brackets are secret chars. This doesn't block the successful run of github workflows, but it's not convenient for debugging.

A better usage of Azure/Login is also provided in its documentation here:

- uses: Azure/login@v1
      creds: '{"clientId":"${{ secrets.CLIENT_ID }}","clientSecret":"${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }}","subscriptionId":"${{ secrets.SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}","tenantId":"${{ secrets.TENANT_ID }}"}'

Parsing variables#

Parsing variables with object type#

- run: |
    echo "github.event: ${{ github.event }}"
    echo "github.event toJson: $GITHUB_EVENT"
    GITHUB_EVENT: ${{ toJson(github.event) }}

# output:
github.event: Object
github.event toJson: {
  after: 9da8166fcc52c437871a2e903b3e200a35c09a1e,
  base_ref: null,
  before: 1448cfbf10fc149b7d200d0a0e15493f41cc8896,


echo "github.event toJson: ${{ toJSON(github.event) }}" will raise error, must parse the variable to environment variable $GITHUB_EVENT at first. So when using toJson method to parse object type variable, it is recommended to send the value to an environment variable first.

Parsing variables with boolean type#

Check with if:

        description: 'True to print to STDOUT'
        required: true
        type: boolean

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # all the 4 syntaxes below are valid
    if: inputs.print_tags
    if: ${{ inputs.print_tags }}
    if: inputs.print_tags == true
    if: ${{ inputs.print_tags == true}}
      - name: Print the input tag to STDOUT
        run: echo The tags are ${{ inputs.tags }}
      - name: Print the input tag to STDOUT
        # in bash, compare boolean with string value
        run: |
          if [[ "${{ inputs.print_tags }}" == "true" ]]; then
            echo The tags are ${{ inputs.tags }}
            echo "print_tags is false"
          if [[ "$PRINT_TAGS" == "true" ]]; then
            echo The tags are ${{ inputs.tags }}
            echo "print_tags is false"
          PRINT_TAGS: ${{ inputs.print_tags }}


Never use if: ${{ inputs.print_tags }} == false with == outside of {{}}, it will always be true.

Passing variables#

Passing data between steps inside a job#

Passing by $GITHUB_ENV between steps#

You can make an environment variable available to any subsequent steps in a workflow job by defining or updating the environment variable and writing this to the GITHUB_ENV environment file.

- run: echo "var_1=value1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- run: echo "var_1: $var1"

Passing by $GITHUB_OUTPUT between steps#

Sets a step's output parameter. Note that the step will need an id to be defined to later retrieve the output value

Passing data between jobs inside a workflow#

Passing by artifacts between jobs#

You can use the upload-artifact and download-artifact actions to share data (in the forms of a file) between jobs in a workflow.

To share variables, you can save the variables in a file with format:


Then download the file from another job and source it to load the variables:

- run: |
    sed "" {downloaded_file_path} >> $GITHUB_ENV
  shell: bash

Passing by $GITHUB_OUTPUT between jobs#

Passing data between caller workflow and called (reusable) workflow#

Use on.workflow_call.outputs, called workflow outputs are available to all downstream jobs in the caller workflow.

Passing data between irrelevant workflows#
