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Github actions: deploy static files to azure web app#

Although Azure provides already a GitHub Actions for Azure Web App to deploy static files to Azure Web App, but we can also do it ourselves with a azure cli command.

Suppose the static files are generated in a folder named site, then the above Azure doc says we can use the following command to deploy it to Azure Web App:

# action actions/checkout should be run before this step
- name: Set Web App runtime
  run: |
    az webapp config set \
      --resource-group ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-resource-group-name }} \
      --name ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-app-name }} \
      --linux-fx-version "STATICSITE|1.0"

- name: Run Azure webapp deploy action using Azure Credentials
  uses: azure/webapps-deploy@v2
    app-name: ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-app-name }}
    package: site


We manually set the web app runtime to STATICSITE|1.0 as users might created the web app with other runtime (STATICSITE|1.0 is not selectable during the standard Web App resource creation except they chose specifically the Static Web App resource), as we're pushing static files, we should set the runtime to STATICSITE|1.0.


The Azure doc uses azure/webapps-deploy@v2 instead of latest azure/webapps-deploy@v3, after some tests, v3 version has some bug on reboot as post deployment step. See this issue for more details.

The above github action could be replaced with:

# action actions/checkout should be run before this step
- name: Run Azure Cli using Azure Credentials
  run: |
    cd site && zip -r ../ * && cd ..

    az webapp config set \
      --resource-group ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-resource-group-name }} \
      --name ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-app-name }} \
      --linux-fx-version "STATICSITE|1.0"

    az webapp deployment source config-zip \
      --resource-group ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-resource-group-name }} \
      --name ${{ inputs.mkdocs-azure-app-name }} \


When using az webapp deploy --src-path --type zip instead of az webapp deployment source config-zip, we get the exact same reboot error as azure/webapps-deploy@v3. However v3 action updates the web app with the new version despite the reboot error, but az webapp deploy does not update the web app with the new version.
