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Migrating my blog from Jekyll Minimal Mistakes to Mkdocs Material#

After using Jekyll Minimal Mistakes for years, I decided to migrate my blog to MkDocs Material, as it's written in Python and I'm more familiar with it.

I am very grateful to the MkDocs Material maintainers for giving me some valuable tips for the migration kickoff.

Create blog folder#

I needed a pure blog without documentation, so I need the URL to be, instead of to be compatible with Jekyll blog URL format. To do this, I followed this documentation.

Creating .authors.yml#

I created an authors file at ./docs/authors.yml. See this doc for more details.

Copying all posts and converting the YAML metadata#

I used this Python script to copy all the posts from ./_posts to ./docs/posts/, and converted the YAML metadata from the Jekyll format to the Mkdocs Material format.

Converting admonition#

The two blog engines use different admonition syntax. See this doc for more details.

I used this Python script to convert the format.

Fixing headers and excerpt#

In the old blog, for some posts, I used # for all first-level headers, but in Mkdocs-Material, # is reserved for page title, so I needed to change all the headers to ##, and also convert previous ## to ###, and so on. And for the comment symbol # in the code blocks, I need to skipped it.

For excerpt, many of my Jekyll posts have already excerpt right after the YAML metadata and start by >, like > excerpt text from here. But in Mkdocs Material, I needed to use <!-- more -->. I referred to this documentation for more details. And I chose not to set excerpt from the excerpt within the old posts YAML metadata, there was no special reason, but it might be useful for some other people.

For example, I needed to convert following markdown:

  # title

  > excerpt text from here.

  Another text.

  # chapter 1

  # this is a comment

  ## section 1

  # chapter 2

  ## section 1


  # title

  excerpt text from here.

  <!-- more -->

  Another text.

  ## chapter 1

  # this is a comment

  ### section 1

  ## chapter 2

  ### section 1

I used this Python script to fix the headers.

Some posts in the old blog didn't have an excerpt, so I had to add <!-- more --> manually.

Fixing multiple blank lines#

After the above steps, there were sometimes multiple continuous blank lines in the markdown files, I used this Python script to ensure there's only one blank line each time.

Post URL#

Hyphen - in title#

Mkdocs Material computes post url slug by keeping hyphen -, while Jekyll discards it. So given title Github - Test, Jekyll will generate github-test, while Mkdocs-Material will generate github---test. To keep the url the same after the migration, the workaround was to change the title to Github: Test.

I used the VSCode find/replace feature with following regex:

Source: "^(#[^#].*?) - (.*?)"
Replace: "$1: $2"
Files to include: "./docs/posts"

Ending with .html#

Jekyll generates post URLs ending with .html, while Mkdocs-Material doesn't by default. To keep the url the same after the migration, I checked this tip by disabling the use_directory_urls option in mkdocs.yml.

Removing word blog from url#

By default, Mkdocs-Material adds the word blog in the URL path, but I didn't want it. To remove it, I checked this tip.

Image path#

I used VSCode find/replace feature to replace all the image paths.

Code action view Source#

Code action view Source is bound to master branch by default, not main branch. To use main branch, I added edit_uri: edit/main/docs/ to mkdocs.yml. See this doc

Deploying to GitHub Pages#

Jekyll uses gh-pages branch to publish blog, but I used GitHub actions within Mkdocs, so I didn't need to use gh-pages branch. To use GitHub actions, I went to my repository at, entered Settings -> Pages, and set Github Actions as Source.

My GitHub Actions for blog publishing can be found here.


When previewing the blog locally, add the --dirty flag like python -m mkdocs serve --dirty to build only the changed files, which can speed up the build process. Using python -m is helpful when, for example, custom pymdownx scripts are required.

For a deeper understanding of the build time, we can use this tips.
