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Azure Messaging Service#

This post is based on the official Azure documentations (Asynchronous messaging options, Compare Azure messaging services, Enterprise integration using message broker and events, Azure Well-Architected Framework) and describes a resume of differences and uses cases for Azure messaging service, including Service Bus, Event Grid, Event Hubs. The official documentations are very good and comprehensive, this post is for my personal reference as a quick reminder.

Message Types#

Type Sub Type Messaging service Usage Example
command message Service Bus - The message contains the data that triggered the message pipeline.
- A command is a high-value message and must be
delivered at least once. If a command is lost,
the entire business transaction might fail.
- The producer might expect the consumer to
acknowledge the message and report the results of the operation.
Order processing and financial transactions
event event straming Event Hub - Related events in a sequence, or a stream of events, over a period of time.
- Available either as data streams or bundled event batches.
- Can capture the streaming data into a AVRO file for processing and analysis.
- Telemetry
- Distributed data streaming
Event streaming from IoT devices
event Event distribution
(discrete notification)
Event Grid - Status changes notification.
- To announce discrete facts.
- The message informs the consumer that an action
has taken place without expectations that
the event result in any action.
- Event Grid isn't a data pipeline,
and doesn't deliver the actual object that was updated.
- The consumer only needs to know that something happened.
- The event data has information about what happened but doesn't
have the data that triggered the event.
Send emails upon CURD operations.
- Azure Resource Manager raises events
when it creates, modifies, or deletes resources.
A subscriber of those events could be
a Logic App that sends alert emails.
Event Grid.
- For example, an event notifies consumers that a file was created.
It may have general information about the file, but it doesn't have the file itself.


Below comparison table is not finished

Features Service Bus Event Hub
(real-time data streaming platform with native Apache Kafka support)
Event Grid
core components -queue: fifo queue, each message has manx one consumer,
competing consumer pattern, Load-leveling queue patter,
available for all plans
- topic/subscription: for one-to-many, no queue used,
FIFO ordering is not enforced across subscriptions,
but maintained inside a subscription by leveraging
message session. publish-subscribe pattern,
not available in Basic plan
event subscription event subscription
deliveray policy At least once delivery of an message At least once delivery of an event At least once delivery of an event
ordering (fifo) y y
by partition
pull model -polling by SDK (polling is costy if we dont have many messages)
- pushing by Azure Functions with Service Bus trigger
- proxied push with event grid (need service bus in premium tier)
- As events are received,
Event Hubs appends them to the stream.
A subscriber manages its cursor and
can move forward and back in the stream,
select a time offset, and replay a sequence
at its pace.
push with event handlers:
- Webhooks. Azure Automation runbooks and Logic Apps
are supported via webhooks.
- Azure functions
- Event Hubs
- Service Bus queues and topics
- Relay hybrid connections
- Storage queues
reliable (no lost if failed communication) y
(new consumer can read message
already read by a failed consumer,
as long as there's no ACK by the
failed consumer')
guaranteed delivery
(for a message, only one consumer
can read)
Azure Service Bus duplicate message detection
duplicate detection y
at least one delivery y
checkpoint y
dead-letter queue (DLQ) y y
retry y
default to 10, max 2000
default to 30 times, and max to 30 times
expiration y
default to 24 hours, and max to 24 hours
filter y
filter in a subscription
retention almost unlimited, functional maximum boundary of the C# Timespan,
which corresponds to slightly over 10675199 days.
7 days
partitioning y
For topic/subcription only, not for queue
- For example, several IoT devices send device data
to an event hub. The partition key is the device identifier.
As events are ingested, Event Hubs moves them to
separate partitions.
Within each partition, all events are ordered by time.
capture y
store the event stream to
an Azure Blob storage or Data Lake Storage.
Capture stores all events ingested by Event Hubs and
is useful for batch processing.
You can generate reports on the data by using
a MapReduce function.
Captured data can also serve as the source of truth.
support Apache Kafka client y
Event Hubs for Apache Kafkakafka broker = event hub namespace
kafka topic = event hub
throughput less than Event Bub event-hubs-quotas
ingesting millions of events per second.
The events are only appended to the stream
and are ordered by.
Scale in Event Hubs is controlled by
how many throughput units (TUs) or processing units
you purchase.
10,000,000 events per second per region.
The first 100,000 operations per month are free.
autoscale y y
disaster recovery y y
use cases financial order pull data from Event Hubs for the purposes of
transformation and statistical analysis.
UseAzure Stream Analytics and Apache Spark
for complex processing such as aggregation
over time windows or anomaly detection.

- logs
- telemetry
- invoke an Azure Function when a blob storage is created or deleted
size - queue max size: 5GB


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